In addition, line mode and zero-mode voltage wave cross each other at the point of fault which causes the natural frequency "aliasing". 此外,故障电压行波于非对称短路点发生线模与零模行波相互交叉透射,致使故障电压自然频率“混叠”。
A wavelet packet frequency-shift algorithm for remote sensing image fusion was introduced to solve the problem of serious frequency aliasing caused by dyadic-down sampling. 在基于小波包的遥感图像融合应用中,引入用于调整小波包分解频率顺序的小波包移频算法来解决由于间隔采样而导致的频带混叠现象。
Up-sampling both in the slow time and Doppler frequency domain can resolve the aliasing problem but with the unwanted result of seriously increased computational complexity and memory consumption. 虽然时域和频域同时升采样操作能够解决混叠问题,但同时带来成像运算量明显提高和内存消耗显著增大的问题。
If the sampling frequency is less than this, we can expect a serious distortion of output frequency which is generally referred to as aliasing. 如果取样频率小于此数,那么输出频率就要产生严重畸变,通常假频指的就是这种情况。
Filtering the high frequency part of the signal and reducing the sampling frequency, which does not produce the aliasing, is called sampling. 从信号中去除高频信息,降低抽样频率而不导致频谱混叠的过程称之为抽取。
This produces soft spots, and in some cases, severe unpredicted distor? tion. If the sampling frequency is less than this, we can expect a serious distortion of output frequency which is generally referred to as aliasing. 这样一来就就有软点产生,有时,甚至会产生无法预料的严重畸变。如果取样频率小于此数,那么输出频率就要产生严重畸变,通常假频指的就是这种情况。
It is possible to output stripe pattern images even if the frequency of input chart is higher than the Nyquist limiting frequency of the system ( the phenomenon of aliasing). It can be explained by the frequency spectrum. 当采样频率大于Nyquist极限频率时发生混频现象,但仍可能有条纹出现,并由频谱分析进行了说明。
Matched z-transform is a digital method by which analog controller is transferred to digital controller. If imaginary part ω 0 of zero of analog controller is more than one half of sampling frequency ω s, frequency response of the digital controller can be aliasing. 匹配Z变换是将模拟控制器变为数字控制器的一种数字化方法,若模拟控制器的复数零点的虚部ω0大于采样角频率ω的一半,这时数字控制器的频率特性将会产生严重混叠。
This paper presents a method for eliminating frequency aliasing in digital frequency measurement with sub-Nyquist sampling over a wide bandwidth. 提出了一种宽带数字测频中欠采样测频的解模糊方法。
If the surface of measured object is complex or the pattern is seriously polluted by noise, the perfect foundational frequency is difficult to extract by filtering because of frequency aliasing, which results in incorrect 3D reconstruction of the object. 当被测物体形状复杂或被噪声严重污染时,频域中频谱分布展宽,可能发生频谱混叠,导致基频分量提取不完整,从而不能正确地恢复出被测物体。
If the sampling frequency is selected from a suitable range, the aliasing phenomenon will be avoided. 并由此推导了避免混频现象的采样频率的选取范围,从而根本上避免了此类误诊断的产生。
The frequency aliasing due to sub-Nyquist sampling can be resolved by the proposed frequency aliasing resolving algorithm and information from the time-delay channel. 文中,欠采样所引入的频率模糊由增加的延迟通道提供的信息加以消除,并提出了相应的频率解模糊算法。
The ideal two dimensional lowpass Fourier frequency and Walsh sequency aliasing digital filters which can be used to reconstruct the original image from sub-Nyquist sampling data are introduced. 引入了理想低通二维Fourier频率和Walsh列率重叠滤波器来再生亚Nyquist取样的图象信号。
It is found that the spectrogram is of low resolution, and strong cross-terms exist in Wigner-Ville distribution and frequency aliasing and information loss appear for in Choi-williams distribution. 研究发现,频谱图的分辨率较低,Wigner-Ville分布存在很强的交叉项,不适合瞬时信号的检测。
In this paper, we have researched the FTP, first we propose an improved FTP based on two-frequency grating projecting, which are involved in the problems of the phase unwrapping and the frequency selection to satisfy the two carrier frequencies no frequency aliasing. 本文研究了FTP的相关问题:(1)提出双频光栅FTP,并深入讨论了为消除频谱混叠,两个载频之间所必须满足的频率选择关系以及相位展开问题;
To extend the range of the sampling frequency, a method of periodically non-uniform bandpass sampling was put forward in which the value of the average sampling frequency was equal to that of the uniform sampling frequency without distortion. The spectrum aliasing was analyzed. 为拓宽带通信号非均匀采样的采样频率范围,提出了一种周期性非均匀带通采样方法,该非均匀采样的平均采样频率在数值上等于带通信号无失真均匀采样的采样频率。
Multiple Embedded Algorithm with Grey-level Blind Watermarking in DCT Frequency Domain Based on Aliasing Spectrum 基于混叠DCT频域灰度级盲水印多重嵌入算法
Methods: The mathematic method is used to find a uniform expression for frequency aliasing matrix of different resolution images. 方法:用数学方法求解对应于低分辨率遥感图像的统一频谱混叠。
For bandpass signal under digital quadrature sampling, there is spectrum shifting. Although the sampling frequency satisfies the sampling theorem, it may cause spectrum aliasing. 在数字正交采样中,带通信号存在频谱迁移问题,虽然满足带通信号的采样定理,仍可能产生频谱混叠。
Because Fourier transform profilometry involved the operation of Fourier transformation and filtering, the problems about frequency aliasing, phase unwrapping and measurement precision are needed study further. 由于傅里叶变换轮廓术涉及傅里叶变换和频域滤波等操作,频谱混叠、相位展开、测量精度等问题一直是实际使用该方法过程中的关键问题。
The sampling rate of the bandpass signal is exactly twice that of the in-phase and quadrature components obtained at the output. The sampling frequency determination and the lowpass anti-aliasing filter design are Straightforward. 带通信号实际采样率仅为输出端所获同相分量和正交分量采样率的两倍,可以直接确定采样频率和设计低通抗混叠滤波器。
This dissertation summarizes the method to select parameters of chirp-subpulse stepped frequency signal, presents a method to resolve profile aliasing and redundance in chirp-subpulse stepped frequency signal by the target pick-up algorithm and selecting parameters. 文中总结了Chirp子脉冲频率步进信号参数选取的方法,提出了采用参数选取和目标抽取相结合的方法来解决Chirp子脉冲频率步进信号中距离像的混叠和冗余问题。
The wavelet packets technique was introduced into the application research on diesel engines 'vibro acoustic signatures extraction. The reason of the existence of frequency aliasing in the Paley series from wavelet packets' decomposition was analyzed, and the wavelet packets frequency shifting algorithm was given. 将小波包技术引入柴油机振声征兆提纯的应用研究中,分析了小波包分解得到的Paley列存在的频率混叠现象的原因,给出了相应的小波包移频算法。
Analysis on Frequency Aliasing in the Sampling of Lowpass and Bandpass Signals 低通和带通信号采样的频谱混叠分析
We have found from theoretical analysis and computation that τ-p transform using Fourier projection theorem in frequency domain brings higher accuracy, less aliasing and much faster computational speed than that in time-space domain. 通过理论分析和计算,我们发现利用Fourier投影定理在频率域计算τ-p变换不仅精度高,假频干扰轻,而且计算速度比在时-空域实现要快许多。
Author suggests that increasing number of measurement taps and prolonging sampling time and enhancing sampling frequency will decrease signals aliasing and leakiness. 并提出在进行压力脉动试验时,应增加测点、延长采样时间、提高采样频率以避免信号遗漏和信号混叠等现象的发生。
In MRI, subsampling is used to reduce data scanning time which does not satisfy the Nyquist sampling frequency and result in image aliasing. 在磁共振成像中,为了减少扫描时间通常使用欠采样方式,但欠采样方式不满足奈奎斯特采样频率,从而引起混叠伪影。
The frequency spectrum aliasing problem and leakage problem about DFT are analyzed, and the solutions are proposed. 对DFT的频率混叠问题和频谱泄露问题做了分析并提出解决方法。
ALF low-pass filter circuit is used to filter out high frequency harmonics, preventing the occurrence of aliasing effects. ALF低通滤波电路将高次谐波滤除,防止了混叠效应的发生。
Dual-tree complex wavelet pocket transform can overcome some disadvantages of real wavelet simultaneously, such as shift sensitivity, poor directionality, absence of phase information, frequency bands aliasing, lacking of analyticity in frequency-domain and energy nonconservation. 双树复小波包以其较小的代价同时克服了已有小波的平移敏感性、频带混叠、方向性差、缺乏相位信息、频域不解析、能量不守恒等缺点。